All shipments are F.O.B. Factory, Massachusetts.
Common carrier used: UPS (United Parcel Service).
Unless a specific method of shipment is requested, we will use our judgment regarding the selection of a carrier. Generally, we use the most economical service available. We cannot assume responsibility for extra charges that may be incurred when best routing is selected. Shipping charges will be added to invoice. Since we have no control over transportation service, we cannot be held responsible for delays in transit. Please note UPS will not deliver to a post office box. When indicating a "Ship to Address" please make certain to furnish a complete street address, city, state and zip code.
There is an additional charge of $10.00 Net for C.O.D. shipments. For drop shipments or split shipments, there is a $5.00 Net charge per box shipped.
All merchandise must be inspected immediately upon arrival. If there are shortages in cartons or merchandise is damaged in transit, please contact factory within 48 hours for information regarding filing a claim.
All claims must be made within 5 days after receipt of merchandise. Returns will not be accepted without official return authorization number. Please contact factory for a return authorization number (RA#).
Authorized returns may be subject to a 10% restocking charge.